
  • review big cup little cup nespresso
    Gadgets,  Review

    Review Big Cup Little Cup Nespresso Alternative

      I recently received an email suggesting I review Big Cup Little Cup Nespresso alternative capsules. I don’t normally do reviews on the blog, but I was interested in this product so agreed to do so. They had discovered my blog post about the Nespresso machine, that I wrote quite some time ago, and asked me to try out their capsules. I was quite tempted to see the if Big Cup Little Cup coffee could take on the giant Nespresso. The Nespresso story is an interesting one. We often drove past the Headquarters and production plant in Switzerland, and while we lived there they seemed to be constantly growing and…

  • Gadgets

    Everything is Amazing and Nobody is Happy

    It is not a new video, but I saw this for the first time, and it struck a chord. Everything is amazing and nobody is happy. There is a lot of truth in this, isn’t there? How quickly we have become accustomed to the advances of technology. My daughter recently saw a vinyl single and asked what it was. When I explained that it was what we used to listen to music, she was amazed and shocked in equal measures. What? Only 2 tracks, and you have to turn it over half way through? Now she plugs in her iPod and can listen to one of thousands of tracks,…

  • Gadgets

    Technology – Help or Hindrance?

    Our dishwasher is broken. It finally gave up this weekend, which was most inconvenient as we had guests. For some months now I have seen that the end was near – the wheels kept falling off the baskets and the top basket regularly fell out altogether. Our landlord visited a couple weeks ago and I mentioned the trouble we were having, and asked if the wheels could be replaced. The technician sent last week expressed his surprise at the age of the machine – I believe it is about 30 years old – and advised that it would probably have to be replaced. I nodded sagely while inwardly doing doing…